catering trailer as part time business
Sometimes during the hard slog at work, we dream about our own business and some of us come to the conclusion that a catering trailer would make a great part time business.
Well, yes it would and yes, it does.
The reality though may not live up to the dream. A catering trailer should pay for itself fairly quickly – as long as you put the work in. That may be the problem. Running a catering trailer is a lot of hard work. If you decide on a food wagon or tea wagon, crepes or whatever specialism you fancy you may decide to do things like shows and festivals. These could involve long days, with early starts and late finishes. The trailer needs to be ready to go, so buying in stock getting everything ready will almost certainly impact on your evenings as well. All this on top of the usual job and going to the gym as well, the jump requires careful thought and research.
As far as a second income is concerned, realistically if you put the hard work in and that includes the research on the best places to go, then you should earn a realistic second income from the trailer, but will need to work almost every weekend during the season to reap the rewards.
Remember, you will need the same health and safety and hygiene requirements as any other catering trailer or van. Plus, of course insurances.
It can be a lot of fun, but don’t think of it as a way to get into festivals, you’ll be too busy serving the punters to see the acts!
For more information on catering trends or to get a catering van insurance quote, click here.
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