The Best Coffee You Can Serve In Your Cafe
Cafes are a great place for a cup of coffee. Indeed, coffee is the hot drink of choice across much of Europe, and especially in the UK, where according to the British Coffee Association, we now drink approximately 95 million cups of coffee each day. That’s a dizzying amount, and accounts for coffee prepared and drunk at home as well as cups drunk in restaurants, pubs and cafes. It’s clear that any cafe that wants to maximise its income is going to have to put coffee sales top of the list, but if you’re starting up a small cafe, you’ll need to know which are the most popular kinds of coffee to sell, and what the pros and cons are of investing in the kit you need to serve a great cup of java.
The most popular takeaway coffee type in the UK is the latte, so it’s worth making sure that yours is a really great one, as this is what will keep the customers coming back for your product. A latte is created by mixing a standard shot of espresso with steamed milk, and is energising, comforting and rich. Of course, it is really difficult for a consumer to make a latte at home, as steaming milk requires some specialist equipment, and that’s one of the reasons it is such a popular choice when drinking out. Combine the espresso shot with organic milk and you have all the ingredients for premium profits.
A cappuccino is the next best-selling coffee, and it is very similar to a latte except that it has an equal mix between espresso, steamed milk and foamed milk. It’s becoming clear that if you invest in an espresso machine with a robust steam wand, it will serve you well, day after day. An Americano comes third on the list, and this is a drink that relies solely on the quality of the espresso shot. However, given that these top three coffees all share the same foundational ingredient and process, it should be obvious that sourcing the best espresso you can find is key. Blends like those provided by Illy or Stumptown are very popular, but you might want to look for a local roaster that can work with you in a mutually profitable relationship.
Last of all, you’ll want to make sure that you offer a decent decaff option, as there is a growing demand from customers to have access to rich, robustly flavoured coffees, that don’t contain high levels of caffeine.
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